Undeniable Talent Badge

Hello, my name is
Nataliia Artym

I create efficient, scalable, and maintainable code solutions that drive business success. With a deep understanding of Ruby and a passion for solving complex problems, I transform ideas into robust applications, ensuring a seamless user experience.

Top Skills

  • Ruby On Rails

  • Sinatra

  • Capistrano


  • Curabitur vitae augue eu tortor mattis eleifend vitae at nunc. Sed egestas lacus non venenatis blandit. Morbi quis blandit erat. Vestibulum tellus diam, dignissim vitae ullamcorper maximus, malesuada nec justo. Curabitur pellentesque neque ligula, eu malesuada libero tincidunt sed. Sed vel ullamcorper tortor. In euismod ac lacus non hendrerit. Quisque ultricies odio placerat justo cursus, sed mattis urna efficitur. Aliquam fringilla tincidunt odio ut sollicitudin. Vestibulum fermentum purus neque, quis viverra erat ullamcorper eget. Aenean ullamcorper sapien est, vitae ornare dolor lacinia id.

    Calol Bower, CEO of Ansion Robotics


  • 1




  1. I will honor my promise to the best of my ability

  2. I promise to only accept clients whom I believe I can genuinely help

  3. I will treat my clients with respect and respond to them in a timely manner


  • What's one word that best describes you?


  • Why should clients want to work with you?

    I'm easy

  • What motivates you?




  • Taylor Swift

    Taylor Swift

    She's America's sweetheart. Got her start strumming a guitar in Nashville. Now, she's a global pop sensation. Taylor Swift isn't just a singer, she's a songwriter with heart. Her tunes? Catchy. Her lyrics? Relatable. Every album tells a story, and every story wins more hearts. That's Taylor Swift for you.

  • Warren Buffett

    Warren Buffett

    Ever heard of the Oracle of Omaha? That's Warren Buffett for you. He's a stock market genius. Built his wealth from scratch. And he's got a heart of gold. Gives billions to charity. Still, he lives a simple life. No flashy cars or giant mansions. That's his secret sauce!

  • My cat

    With a larger-than-life personality and a flair for the dramatic, my cat has pawed their way into the hearts of thousands. Their viral antics and unapologetic sass have made them an internet sensation. Tune in, and prepare for your daily dose of delightful cat-titude! If not famous: Ah, my cat remains one of the world's best-kept secrets. Unknown to the masses, but utterly adored at home.


  • marketing site



Here are some brands I admire:

  • UPS is the go-to for reliable deliveries. Their brown trucks are a familiar sight on the streets. When it absolutely, positively has to be there, UPS is the one to trust.

  • Amazon's the one-stop shop that has it all, from A to Z. They make life easier, one click at a time. When it comes to fast delivery, they're unbeatable.

  • Adobe crafts digital magic, making creativity accessible to all. They transform ideas into visual masterpieces, from pixels to print. With Adobe, imagination leaps off the screen, turning the ordinary into extraordinary.


  • SoftwareTesting

  • AgileTesting

  • RegressionTesting

  • Scrum

  • respond

  • QualityAssurance

  • TestAutomation

  • QAEngineer

  • SeleniumWebDriver

  • JIRA

  • BugTracking

  • ManualTesting

  • PerformanceTesting

  • LoadRunner

  • TestCases

  • TestPlanDevelopment

  • APItesting

  • Postman

  • QualityControl

  • IntegrationTesting

  • SystemTesting

  • ExploratoryTesting

  • MobileTesting

  • Appium

  • TestNG

  • JUnit

  • CucumberBDD

  • CrossBrowserTesting

  • ContinuousIntegration

  • Jenkins